Monday, August 3, 2009

Shiver Me Timbers

Brr... it sure is almost temperate in here! That's right, folks. We are the proud new owners of a Frederich Energy Star 12,000 BTU air conditioner. She purrs like a kitten. 

I know what you're thinking (maybe)... It's almost the end of the summer, why did you get it now? Well, we tried hard to resist, but frankly the past few weeks have been so humid and gross that it was making us irritable. In order to keep the peace, we made the investment. The animals seem to be loving it. They are all in the living room (cat on the steps) chillin' out with their greenies. Can't wait to have our friends over for dinner in our new "chill spot." 



Listening to Jimi Hendrix Bold as Love.